We want to be the answer to all the current and urgent needs of our society. Our MISSION is to promote and defend the“INVIOLABLE VALUES”that belong by birthright to every citizen.
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a) Bonificación of the IBI on the first home (habitual residence).
If you want to understand all the benefits of this social move, read the following press article.
The IBI bonus process on the first home will be as follows:
1st year of government:
Income tax equal to or less than 30,000 euros per year and retirees will no longer pay the IBI on their first home. The rest of higher incomes will have a 50% discount on the fee. Companies, businesses and other properties that are not the first home of an individual are excluded.
2nd year of government:
Income tax equal to or less than 50,000 euros per year will no longer pay IBI on their first home. The rest of higher incomes will have a 50% discount on the fee. Companies, businesses and other properties that are not the first home of an individual are excluded.
3rd year of government:
Income tax equal to or less than 100,000 euros per year will no longer pay the IBI on their first home. The rest of higher incomes will have a 50% discount on the fee.
Companies, businesses and other properties that are not the first home of an individual are excluded.
4th year of government:
The IBI will no longer be paid on the first home. Companies, businesses and other properties that are not the first home of an individual are excluded.
b) Bonification of 100% the rate of circulation on the first vehicle for IRPF income less than or equal to 18,000 euros per year.
c) Increase in the rate of circulation for luxury vehicles:
Super-Cars, Yachts, Private Jets. New rates appropriate to the economic category.
d) Restructuring and optimization of the current social aid organization and distribution system:
Creations of effective economic aid: that depend on and adapt to each particular case and not more generic. Unas Aid adapted to the real and current needs of each individual or family.
All citizens regardless of race, sex, age and social status must have the same opportunities to develop without any prejudice.
a) Construction of new kindergartens and improvement of the current ones:
We will build and enable kindergartens in new public and free facilities so that children from Mijas have access to a quality education from a very young age.
These new Nursery Schools will also have better infrastructure, as well as a health post staffed by professionals.
b) Construction of a university campus in Mijas (professional training courses are included).
We will guarantee free enrollment to all Mijas and their children (Mijas with at least 5 years of registration in the municipality). We will create a system of university scholarships that support the neediest students.
Apart from the classic degrees (law, engineering or economics...) we will give way to modern and current degrees with specializations in the latest languages informatics and in systems programming, cyber security, internet of things , Blockchain and digital operating systems. In this way we will attract students from all over the world and the large multinational IT and digital companies that will create subsidiaries in Mijas in order to benefit from our "Human Capital".
c) Creation of specialized Social Centers to provide support and training to citizens who are in labor exclusion or who need to update their training.
Recruitment of professionals belonging to different cultural sectors who are capable of guiding, supporting and training workers through current courses related to market demand.
d) We will restructure the municipal company "Inserción Laboral de Renta Básica" to adapt it to current needs.
The function of this company created in 2011 is now obsolete, putting people to sweep streets, although it is a decent job like others, does not give the possibility of creating new jobs, training workers or stimulating innate passions._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The basic income labor insertion company, while maintaining its option for cleaning streets and public areas (selectable by the user), must give each worker the possibility of choosing a labor sector that best suits their desires or passions .
For this reason, we will create, in collaboration with hundreds of Mijas companies (from different economic sectors), a training work program, through "Job Training" contracts (6-month contracts at 1 year) without no cost for Mijas companies with salaries paid by the municipal company.
E) Equality, minors and family
- Enabling a place as a Family Meeting Point, which will be managed by professionals with extensive careers in intra-family and intergenerational relationships (psychologists, family mediators, etc.)? It will be a neutral place for supervised visits and for the collection and delivery of minors in complicated divorces.
- The automation and communication by notification to both parents will be agreed in everything that concerns minors.
We will protect and we will defend the rights of all citizens, so that they once again feel the protection of the State as something good, as a symbol of trust and respect in defense of the common good:
a) We will create a department called “New operations in Mijas”
With an emergency telephone number attended 24 hours a day by a team of qualified people who will have more staff according to the hours of the day and the seasons of the year, increasing in the busiest hours or in the most problematic months:
This new department will deal with all kinds of emergency calls and will immediately process the incident to the corresponding action department: police, civil guard, firefighters, health services.
b) We will create mini police barracks (prefabricated) in the different residential areas of Mijas:
They will be operational from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., particularly in the areas of urbanizations that are practically unattended today. Each mini police station will have a minimum of 2 cars and at least 6 officers working during these 8 hours of the night. This operation may be extended during daytime hours according to the needs objetivas (for example the summer months when the urbanizations are more frequented).
c) We will reinforce the police presence in the metropolitan areas of Mijas to ensure maximum security for citizens throughout the day and night, especially in the most conflictive areas of our municipality.
d) We will create a new CYBER-ATTACKS department:
1.- We will form a team of professional experts in computer security who will provide direct and immediate support to citizens and companies that have been victims of computer attacks.
2.- Online and face-to-face computer security and attack prevention courses will be organized.
e) We will create a department to combat gender violence, child abuse and protection of the elderly:
Acting immediately is the solution to eradicate the problem, therefore:
a.- We will make an investment in human capital by forming several teams of social workers, psychologists and lawyers.
b.- Shelter centers will be made available to these people that provide accommodation, assistance and social and labor reintegration to all victims who suffer from social abandonment and who find themselves without financial resources.
Health care and healthcare are one of the most important points of this social program and will be our absolute priority:
a.- We will immediately carry out structural improvements, spaces and services in the health center (24 hours) of Las Lagunas de Mijas.
b.- We are going to create new primary care health centers (we will restructure empty and unused properties of the Mijas town hall) to support the current health centers of the Cala de Mijas and Las Lagunas. 2 of them will also have a 24-hour emergency service to support the Las Lagunas service and avoid saturation.
c.- We are going to increase the number of ambulances for urgent transfers from the medical centers in Mijas to the Costa del Sol Hospital in Marbella (the closest) or to the other hospitals in the provinces of Malaga.
d.- We are going to negotiate with the Junta de Andalucía to receive European funds and sufficient capital for the construction of a new macro-university hospital in Mijas. In this way, not only in the coming years will we have one of the most modern hospital structures, but we will also have a medical school that will guarantee us specialized doctors and state-of-the-art medicine.
Our proposals are the following:
a.- Construction of VPO housing:
Only and exclusively Mijas citizens who have been registered in the municipality for a minimum of 10 years will have access to it. Homes with 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms will be built in order to give access in a non-discriminatory manner to any type of family unit, from the single person to large families.
We will build officially protected housing from the first year of the Government.
The homes will have complementary services such as swimming pools, gardens and sports areas. Its quality and price will be proportionally correct and accessible.
These homes will be offered for:
1.- Sale at VPO price.
2.- Rent with option to buy.
3.- VPO low income rental.
b.- For housing rental:
We will promote monthly subsidies for housing rentals according to their surface area, number of family members, etc.
c.- Occupied dwellings:
Legal support for owners affected by illegal occupations.
Our municipality treasures an immense natural heritage that we must maintain, increase and enjoy. To this end we propose:
1) Promote and request the declaration of the SIERRAS DE MIJAS-ALPUJATA NATURAL PARK, 29,000 hectares of natural park that affects 10 municipalities, green lung and nature reserve from Malaga to the world.
Protect our mountains by creating jobs for the cleaning and care of the mountains. Promote grazing and livestock. Repopulate with holm oaks, oaks, cork oaks, strawberry trees and native species that do not burn, using the exploitation of pine wood to create a native, sustainable forest that produces social welfare.
2) Promote and request the declaration of the first MARINE NATURAL PARK OF THE COSTA DEL SOL. 21 Square kilometers of coastline, to protect our beaches, the quality of our waters, marine life and our posidonia meadows.
In addition, for our municipality we want:
a.- The construction of new parks (with an average size of 5,000 m2 with wooded areas, lawns, a children's play area and a GYM machine area) in the different urbanized areas of Mijas where there are currently only abandoned vacant lots.
b.- In those areas where it is possible, the containers for organic waste and for the collection of paper, glass and plastic, including the collection of oil, will be buried.
c.- To fight against plastic, we will be the first city council in Spain to enable sufficient and free supply points (redistributed throughout the Mijas city council) of Purified Water with and without gas for domestic use, available 24 hours a day.
d.- Creation of an Animal Welfare Department:
Said Department of Animal Welfare will have the following functions, among others:
1) Improvement of the municipal regulations for the protection of animals in the Municipality.
2) Promotion of audiovisual awareness campaigns on the mistreatment and abandonment of animals, as well as the promotion of responsible adoption.
3) Collection of deceased animals in the municipality of Mijas, as well as their identification by means of a Micro-Chip reader and their subsequent incineration.
4) Municipal pet castration/chip/rabies vaccine campaign.
5) Legal actions: Greater collaboration and cooperation with the Security Forces and Bodies in cases of animal abuse.
- We are going to build a free public incinerator plant for pets and at a reduced price for other animals. We are going to create specific aid for associations and animal protectors.
- Adapt our wastewater treatment system to the real needs of our population, helping all urbanizations and industries and individuals fulfill our obligation to purify their wastewater and not pollute.
e. Environment: Rivers and trails
- Cleaning of the last section of the Fuengirola River, since it contaminates the entire area of the mouth, causing poisoning in wild and domestic animals, and construction of a sewage collection collector connected to the treatment plant. The migratory birds will have a stop in Mijas free of contamination.
- Installation of wildlife observation posts, especially migratory birds.
- Restoration of the Sendero de las Minas, in Osunillas, as well as other forgotten trails in Mijas.
- Improvement in the protection and signaling of the reproduction areas of the Kentish Plover during its breeding season (from May to July), as well as other birds that nest in Mijas, through cordoning and surveillance.
The municipality of Mijas, along with the Costa del Sol, is one of the most popular destinations for tourists from all over the world.
This source of wealth that comes from tourism must benefit all the citizens of Mijas, not only by improving all public service structures, but also by promoting opportunities for the people of Mijas.
For this reason, we propose the following maneuvers:
1.- The creation of a "Growth, Development and Optimization of Mijas" department, which will include the participation of renowned professionals specialized in different sectors: economic, structural and social.
On the other hand, this department will have a team of observers who will carry out their work in the streets of the municipality to evaluate in the first line all the problems that may or are affecting our community, such as broken sidewalks, streets in poor condition, absent lighting or deficient, and any structural and operational problem that affects the Mijas community as a whole.
2.- The granting of subsidies for the creation of economic and social projects, and also to allow the expansion or growth of existing businesses.
The award process will be much easier, and professionals will be provided free of charge to support and assist each applicant.
We are going to transform Mijas into the jewel of the Costa del Sol so that it attracts tourists from all over the world, and in this way produces wealth for all Mijas.
We will build the first glass viewpoint on the Costa del Sol, on one of the hills of Mijas.
This project will be co-financed by regional, national and European entities.
It will be called: THE VIEWPOINT OF THE SUN
a.- Its construction will be ECO-SUSTAINABLE and totally autonomous, it will be based on green energy. We will create a Crystal Platform suspended in the air with a capacity for 500 people.
b.- Your entry for Mijas will always be free.
c.- El Mirador and all its complementary facilities will be fully managed by the City Council, without concessions or tenders.
d.- El Mirador will include a cafeteria and a glass restaurant.
g.- All the profits collected from the Mirador, as well as from the restaurant and cafeteria, will be fully invested in a municipal plan to repopulate trees and in the creation of green areas throughout the municipality of Mijas. In this way we will increase the environmental quality of our municipality.
a) Creation of a new Home for the Retired in Las Lagunas de Mijas, and improvements in both the current center in Mijas Pueblo and in La Cala de Mijas.
Retiree homes must have sufficient spaces for cultural activities in order to keep the retired person's body and mind active.
b) Free Activities for Retirees:
1. Golf classes and other sports, free for retirees.
2. Artistic and cultural activities (body expression, music, theater, etc.), free for retirees.
3) Offer of aid (financial or labor), when the pension does not reach the SMI.
c) Help dependency:
- Creation of a day center managed by professionals.
- Increase the hours of home assistance, which includes cleaning tasks, for dependent people who live alone.
- Carrying out periodic inspections to verify the conditions of the care services for dependents.
The right to leisure and to be able to enjoy free time should not be reserved only for those with a higher purchasing power, but should be a universal right.
So here are our proposals:
1.- Reopening of the old cinemas of Mijas, with municipal management, with discounted prices for Mijas.
2.- The creation of a leisure space on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays with different music programs, socio-cultural entertainment and concerts (WITH FREE ACCESS FOR MIJEÑOS).
3.- We are not forgetting culture and art, so we will rehabilitate public spaces to organize cultural and artistic encounters throughout the year.
4.- Promote the use of the old quarry in the Sierra de Mijas as an amphitheater and space for events and cultural activities.
End of the electoral program. Download pdf
Do you want to support the #SoydeMijas movement?
If you liked our Electoral Program and want to express your support, you can create your free social profile at www.soydemijas.com (Mijas' social network) and/or send us a web form from this address: https://www.soydemijas.com/participar
Note: If you wish to participate as an active member of the project, send us a WhatsApp to the phone number: +34662918154
#SoydeMijas TEAM
We want you to be part of history.

Alberto Moro Bermejo
Legal affairs manager
Graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. Practicing lawyer of the I. Malaga Bar Association since November 2001 with professional office in Rivera del Sol, Mijas Costa.
Senior Lawyer and Founder of "Moro Bermejo Abogados". Advising and representing Spaniards and foreigners for more than 20 years on the Costa del Sol.
I put my knowledge at the service of #SoydeMijas, an innovative, fair, social and equitable project that will be beneficial for all the citizens of the municipality of Mijas.

María José Curá de Rosa
Vice-secretariat for social action
Degree in psychology. Master's Degree in Anxiety and Stress Intervention, Addiction Therapist at the Father Garralda Foundation. Diagnosis and Intervention in Educational Psychology. Teacher in Specialized Education Centers. Expert in Social Communications, with special concern for educational and emotional problems. PI actively participate in the Citizen NGO #SoydeMijas with the desire to improve our society.

Puesto Vacante
PR and Security Manager
Those interested may enter as new members of the board of directors without resigning to their origins and political ideologies; contributing his wisdom, su will, their ideas and the enthusiasm that we all need to be able to improve our society and Mijas.

Puesto vacante
Municipal policy and communication manager
I am a filmmaker and screenwriter.
Social cinema creator to give voice to groups with all kinds of problems, such as fibromyalgia, gender and intragender violence, to create a social transformation of a reality that needs visibility.
I love animals and I have been raising awareness for respect for other species for more than 25 years and I was the promoter of the campaigns to get the first dog parks in Mijas, circuses without animals, adoption campaigns and animal awareness .
I believe that #I AMDEMIJAS is a breath of hope for all Mijeños; That is why I actively participate and give you my experience.

Puesto Vacante
Settled in Mijas since 1998, I currently work in the port sector. Sports lover and with a lot of experience in this sector, Knowing widely the deficiencies and existing problems in our municipality; andI offer my experience at the service of the NGO #SoydeMijas.

Rocio Lizán Ortiz
Personal and professional coaching manager
Specialist in personal and professional Coaching. Trained in neuroscience (study of the nervous system) and bioneuroemotion (increased level of consciousness)My commitment is: to help, inspire and accompany people in their personal and mental growth. That is why I actively participate with will and enthusiasm in the NGO Ciudadana #SoydeMijas

Juan Cortés Quero
Responsible for conservation and management of natural resources
Born in the heart of Mijas and resident in Las Lagunas.
I was born into a family of small merchants and with quite extensive experience in this sector.
I am quite concerned about the current situation in which our environment finds itself,
and I will dedicate with zeal and, of course, with the environmental sector, the recovery
of our natural spaces.

Puesto Vacante
urban planning manager
Those interested may enter as new members of the board of directors without resigning to their origins and political ideologies; contributing his wisdom, su will, their ideas and the enthusiasm that we all need to be able to improve our society and Mijas.

Jorge Casas Gracia
Responsible for organization and territorial action
Commercial Director with extensive experience in International Consulting. My specializations cover the sectors de: Hospitality, Tourism, Automotive, Real Estate, Renewable Energies and Digital Networks. I have lived in Mijas for more than 10 years and my desire is to help its institutional, social and economic development. For this reason, I participate with great enthusiasm in the project of the NGO Ciudadana #SoydeMijas.

Helena Duchonova
Head of Cooperations
Businesswoman and artist. Living in Mijas since 2015. He has worked for large multinational groups, including the French brand Guerlain. Its responsibility is to establish cooperation agreements with public and private entities to promote the economic and social progress of our community, in a sustainable and equitable manner.

Fuensanta Santos de la Rubia
Senior and Retiree Manager
I am currently retired, always learning is my motto. My hobbies have been linked to the world of Culture, History, Theater and Folklore. I direct two magazines, I write in an online newspaper and in a denouncement blog called El Grito de la Calle. The neglect and sometimes the discrimination of the retired person in Mijas hurts me deeply. PTherefore, I actively participate in the Citizen NGO #SoydeMijasand I plan to commit myself toimprove the quality of life of all retirees in Mijas.

Jorge A.Luque Garrido
Head of animal management and administration structure
Resident veterinarian in Calahonda since 1992.
Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Specializing in Primary Care Veterinary Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Physiotherapy and Veterinary Sports Medicine.
Director and co-owner of El Dogo Azul and Rehavet Sport veterinary centers.
Excited to collaborate with an innovative project that directs Mijas towards a management model for the animal population, its resources and alternatives. Because I'm from Mijas.

Anne Hernández
British Community Manager de Mijas
I was born in England but I have been living in Spain for 38 years and I have lived in Mijas for 20 years now. Now I am retired but I was a university professor of Tourism and I specialized in event management, marketing, promotion, environment and sustainable tourism. I am currently president of an association that to this day has helped more than 32,000 Britons throughout Spain after Brexit. Last year I was awarded an MBE for my services to the British in Spain. I participate in the NGO #SoydeMijas to represent and be the point of reference for the British community of Mijas.
Diego Ariza Cívico
Citizen security and cybersecurity manager
Expert in specific legislation that affects the world of computer forensics, computer crimes, General Data Protection Regulations and the elementary rights of communications. As well as the latest techniques in computer forensics, ethical hacking and computer security.

Cristina Sánchez Vallina
Head of veterinary services and animal welfare
I am a Cantabrian living in Fuengirola for more than 20 years.
I received my training as a veterinarian at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and worked in Barcelona during my first years in the profession.
I am currently not a member of the association, although I use my knowledge to help the Mijas Felina association, obviously a non-profit organization. Active, determined and always willing to be my best version, I put my knowledge at the service of the citizen platform #SoydeMijas.

Manuel Serrano López
Parks and gardens manager
I am a technician in gardening, parks and green areas. I am currently dedicated to the maintenance and creation of gardens. I have a diploma in waste management and a master's degree in environmental management systems. I want to see Mijas more sustainable and greener and for this reason I put my knowledge and experiences at the service of an NGO #SoydeMijas

Maribel Pérez Álvarez
Protocol and events manager
More than 25 years of professional experience in the organization of events and official acts. My desire for solidarity led me to work at the Red Cross as head of the Partners and Volunteers department. During my experience in companies like Sando, I discovered my passion for Marketing and event organization, a sector in which I am currently dedicated, leading the areas of Communication, event production, public relations and media. From the protocol we raise the set of rules that govern the ceremonial of official acts and events, with common sense, modernity, honesty, humility, without forgetting the dignity that each and every one of them must have.
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