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Contract audit


Mijas, Spain


Consult the White Paper of MIJAS COIN project, the Mijas Town cryptocurrency, created on BSC (Binance Smart Chain). Its 2 Liquidity Pools are fed by stable cryptocurrencies: USDT, USDC, which guarantee a great market stability and its exponential growth.


The value of any digital currency can go up as well as down. Digital currency trading can carry a high level of risk and Mijas Coin makes no guarantees regarding future prices, profits or earnings | General Disclaimer, privacy and cookie policy


MIJAS COIN is a social experiment within a decentralized financial system that has no governance, which means that by participating in the social project you fully assume your responsibility and decide freely: to participate or not and how much money to contribute to the social project. The non-profit association #SoydeMijas will never be responsible for any action you take when buying or selling your digital assets, nor will it benefit from your earnings, nor will it have any loss if you have losses. Finally, the #SoydeMijas association will never contact you directly, we only respond if you contact us. If somebody contacts you first using the name of #SoydeMijas, never answer because it's not us. If you need to contact us, use our web form or our email


#SoydeMijas is a local, private, and non-profit organization that works to promote the full development of the social and civil rights of the citizens of Mijas. Registered with nº 14405 in the Registry of Associations of Andalusia. NIF: G16761728

© 2022 Mijas Coin | The Cryptocurrency of Mijas | Email:

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